Friday 10 July 2009

The World according to Rich - Football

Woow, I know i'm SO getting flak for this one. One of my pet peeves truely is football. Not the American kind, I like that, but the European-Obsessive-Repetitive kind.

You know how it is. There's a big match, the whole country stops to watch it, Team A loses against Team B, excuses are made, the season is wrapped up, but oh wait, now the Derby starts, where Team C is playing Team D to try to get to play Team B aft- eugh. Its just repetitive crap.

And what's up with their insane salaries?! Ungodly amounts of money for doing what? Running around for a bit and kicking a pigs bladder into a net. So, by that logic, I can go out and throw a stick at a dog, and claim £40,000,000 for it? I see nurses, doctors, police officers, carers, teachers, all of whom that money could be better spent on. And for that matter, are people really so blind that we sit in the middle of an economic crisis, there's no money, and these people continue to suckle on the proverbial breast of idiocy.

What especially gets on my wick is when they foul each other. I've seen more of an impact from a speck of dust colliding with my nose than what's involved in those farcical displays of sheer lunacy. And it seems the BBC havent quite twigged yet, that playing it back in slow motion from every single angle does nothing but prove what a pathetic pussy that player is. The slightest brush from someone else and the player is floored, clutching his face in a perfectly practised performance of desperate agony. Getting kicked in the face by Chuck Norris, or falling onto a flowerbed laced with broken glass; both of these are incidents worthy of agony.

And, they need to change their uniforms. Kneehigh socks are only good on two occassions;

1. When a necessary evil for school uniform
2. When worn by a cute woman.

Under no circumstances should they adorn a man in shorts who looks like he was bathed in Brylcreem and then beaten in the face with a shovel.

Finally, I must address the football fans. Yes, yes, I admit that there are alot of people who enjoy watching the sport and can somehow find the time to not get half naked and shout abuse at German people, whilst casting cheap plastic garden furniture through windows because Sunderland didnt quite beat Rotheram. Grow. The FUCK. Up. You football hooligans are an embarassment to this country and to the sport you love so much. Sports are supposed to be places where you can take your family for a fun day out. Few drinks in the pub, watch the match, bag of chips, tip-top. But hooliganism has single handedly ruined the notion of a Sunday morning when father and son could go to the stadium, cheer their favourite players and their favourite teams without being bombarded with fat, bald men shouting all the profanities under the sun in all the directions they can still see after their close relationship with Special Brew.

Here are two sets of fans: Spot the difference.

No contest, really.


  1. I agree with most of that, apart from the fact that American sports fans are not peaceable and non-violent; they're just as bad as our British holligans. Journalist Steven Wells has pointed out that violence is a big problem amongst American sports fans. For instance, in the aftermath of a Dallas Cowboys and Philadelphia Eagles match, some fans forced a disabled fan to take of his supporters' top and then destroyed it; if a Liverpool fan did that to a Chelsea fan, there would be outrage nationally.
    Also, the players can be violent too. In 2004, a Texas Rangers' player chucked a chair at rival fans, breaking one poor woman's nose! There are more examples, but I won't go too OTT. ;)
    So, I do agree with almost everything you've said, especially the salaries and the diving, but you get hooligans across the pond too. :)

  2. american football is rugby for cowards.
