Tuesday 7 July 2009

The World according to Rich - Gordon Brown

You knew this was coming, didnt you. Well yes. Yes it was. On the one in a two and a half billion chance that he ever reads this, Gordon, take heed.

You know what? I dont blame you for the mess the country was in a while ago. No, I dont. Well, actually yes I do. As far as I'm concerned, Tony Blair left you with a big steaming shit in a paper bag and ran away. But, instead of disposing of it properly, you seem to have achieved the nigh-impossible task of making everything worse. Essentially, you've taken the dogturd in a bag, and then asked a Great Dane to come and urinate on it.

To become a Member of Parliament, there should be a 'logic test' - one that ensures that whoever is coming to power realises that the key to repaying debts is to NOT INCUR MORE. That's like saying "Yes, I know I'm fat, but I'll have a few more pies because they taste nice." How USELESS do you have to be to come to that conclusion? At what point did Gordon Brown suggest that to repay the UK's spiralling international debt, that we should borrow more money? Was everyone drunk? Or were they just too busy claiming expenses for their toilet paper?

And what is it spent on? I saw a news report recently that said that 2.3 billion pounds had just disappeared. Who the fuck loses 2.3 billion pounds? I could buy a small island for that. Each of us pays (or will pay) road tax. What for? When was the last time you ever drove down a British road and said "You know, this is a good bit of road."? It seems to me that tax is payed to fund fat blokes in high-visibility jackets to stand around doing fuck all. "Hey, I'll close this road for 8 weeks because there's a dead squirrel." I despair.

Why are we paying £25,000,000 a day to the European Union? What the FUCK do we get from it? In essence, we're subsidising French farms, who, instead of merging into big farms, decide to 'struggle' as small ones and cost you and me money to support. Would Sarkozy do anything about it? Would he shite. He's too busy insulting our Queen and being a midget.

In essence, what is Gordon Brown doing to stop all this? Nothing. Be it from people whispering in his ear about how they want an extra 10% on their paycheck or his own bumbling dumbassery, its about time we ousted him.

The trouble is, there's no-one who doesnt have a brown nose to vote for. And for that matter, I thought this was supposed to be a democracy? I dont remember ever voting for the stupid dick.


  1. I thought this was supposed to be a democracy? I dont remember ever voting for the stupid dick.

    that's because you were like, four, when he was elected as chancellor. everyone seems to forget that little fact when they complain about Brown; no you didn't elect him as prime minister but you did elect him in the secondary position.


  2. But its still bullshit that he got the top seat without me ever having a say. And I'm 20.

  3. Gordon Brown can eat a dick.
