Thursday 16 July 2009

The World according to Rich - France

Forgive me for living up somewhat to an old British stereotype, but there are just a few things I'd like to get off my chest about Le France. Perhaps some will be poorly thought out, or untrue, but I dont really care. This is MY blog, so screw you. I'll say what I damn well like.

First of all, it seems as though Sarkozy has taken the liberty of forgetting the fact that other people had to pull his country out of the fire twice. The D-Day rememberence events were an absolute disgrace; the Queen of the United Kingdom didnt even recieve an invite. Talk about a slap in the goddamned face.

On top of that, he seems to think that France is the leading country when it comes to running the European Union - but it's not. They wrote up an expansive EU Constitution, which they later refused to sign (?!). That man couldnt find his arse without a map and both hands (and its not exactly far away from his head, is it)

Now, before French people come and spam my blog with comments about how I'm a disgrace and I should go have sex with a poodle, stow it. France has indeed given us some wonderful things. Fine cheeses, VERY fine wines, things. That I cant remember. Oh yeah, Alizee. Fuck yeah.

Anyway, I read recently that a survey deemed the French tourists as the most arrogant and impatient in Europe. That's saying something when they're competing with us Brits, really. It seems that the French have a constant desire to project themselves as better people than anyone else, when they're exactly the same. They just have extra bits on their letters.

And what the heck is up with their cuisine? Some of it is lovely, really nice, but I swear, they'll eat bloody ANYTHING. Snails, Frogs, Horses, Gnats, Elves, Hobbits. Put it in a white wine sauce, and it'll be bon for Jaques. Christ, what happened to being able to pronounce what you're eating?

That brings me on nicely (somehow) to French cars.

Now, I dont care how reliable Peugeots are. Every single 'new' Peugeot has looked exactly the same as the last one. Perhaps their designer had died about 20 years after the first one, so they just copy & pasted his work onto everything. Make a bloody effort! And, I dont claim to be an authority on 'style' and 'chic', but Peugeots are neither chic nor stylish. They look like someone punched an Asian man in the face and put wheels on him.

Finally, why do all French people look exactly the same? All the women seem to have brown hair with silly fringes and glasses on, and all the men are constantly in suits. Its like the world's worst party; everyone came dressed in the same outfit :O

1 comment:

  1. Why the fuck would someone want to eat snails? Even as a meat eater I hated them
