Wednesday 8 July 2009

The World according to Rich - Modern Art

Are you kidding me? What the fuck is up with this? At what point did someone say "Hey, I wont paint anymore, I'll just string up my bedsheets and piss on them"?

Are these monstrosities supposed to represent something? Of course. But no, they dont. That doesnt stop them from putting that bullshit up though does it, and making a fortune from it. Infact, I could smear a tablecloth with some strawberry jam, send it to the Tate Modern and say it represents "the struggle of humanity againt madness", or something equally ridiculous.

Seriously, when did painting things that you can see go out of fashion? Why do I have to see a bent over mannequin in a suit instead of a lovely watercolour of Dorset? I swear to god, these people pull ideas out of their ass (sometimes literally) and make a whole lot of money for them.

You're not kidding anybody. Everyone knows that all you've done is made your cat take a crap on a piece of plywood, and no, it doesnt represent my internal struggle against monotony. Its a cat shit on a piece of wood, and anyone who sees anything more is a fucking moron, who couldnt see a Boeing 747 that had just landed on his house.

I'm a member of DeviantArt, and I'll be the first to admit that some people have some real talent, they can paint, they can draw, and they can take pictures. However, for all of those people, we have a gigantic wave of imbeciles that seem to think that people want to see them looking a bit upset, or the fact that they have taken a razor to their wrists. People who cut themselves are so upset that they just go ahead and kill themselves. They dont keep a visual account of all the times they've tried, or, more realistically, they dont keep a visual account because they're clearly craving attention. I dont want to see the marks on your wrists. I want to see you draw or paint or photograph something interesting. That's what art is. Grow up. Stop cutting yourself and paint something someone gives a shit about.

And that brings me on nicely to emo girls who seem to think the "above-and-slightly-to-one-side" camera angle is art. Its not. You're fat, and you're trying to mislead people. If you have a nice set of eyes, then I guess it's okay, but in all other cases, its just a pathetic attempt to mask the fact that you like cake. And pies. And lots and lots of lard

A three year old could paint that picture. It represents nothing. I'm sorry, but it doesnt. If you wanted to captivate a still life set of fruit, paint a set of fruit that doesnt look like someone has just stabbed a clown. Even better, dont paint something atall. Just go away. Because you're shit.

In closing, why do people seem to think this stuff is acceptable? They get paid thousands for these things, and I have a very hard time believing its for something other than money. .

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